The Roxbury Clinic & Surgery enter is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) and Centers for Medicare Services (CMS). This facility meets all necessary guidelines as set forth by these organizations.
Visit the AAAASF website.
AAAASF Consumer Information
The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) was established in 1980. Its primary mission is to ensure the highest quality patient care in the ambulatory surgery setting. Today, with more than 1000 accredited outpatient surgical facilities, the not-for-profit AAAASF is the largest accrediting organization of its kind in the nation.
Setting the Standard for Quality Patient Care
These days, there is more to having surgery than just selecting your surgeon. AAAASF has designed an accrediting program to help provide patients with the assurance of safety and quality in all aspects of their outpatient surgery experience. To achieve this goal, every AAAASF-accredited ambulatory surgery facility must meet stringent national standards for equipment, operating room safety, personnel and surgeon credentials. The experts at AAAASF know that maintaining safety and quality in the ambulatory surgery facility is a dynamic process, requiring constant review and revision of standards to reflect the current state-of-the-art. As the leading accrediting organization, AAAASF has developed the systems to effectively monitor and implement the latest advances in outpatient care delivery advances that directly benefit patients.
AAAASF accreditation has been recognized as the gold standard. The vast majority of ambulatory surgery facilities are not accredited, operating independently of any peer review and inspection process. A growing number of states throughout the country, however, are recognizing the need for mandatory accreditation. AAAASF is in the forefront of legislative efforts to provide patients with safety and quality assurance in the outpatient surgery setting. In 1996, California became the first state to mandate accreditation for all outpatient facilities that administer sedation or general anesthesia. AAAASF was instrumental in the development of the California legislation (AB595), as well as subsequent laws and regulations adopted by states such as Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Texas. AAAASF accreditation has been accepted by State Departments of Health in lieu of state licensure, and AAAASF has been approved to inspect facilities for certification by Medicare. AAAASF accreditation guidelines have been recognized as the gold standard. providing the highest level of safety and quality in ambulatory surgery care. Many private insurance carriers recognize accreditation by AAAASF for reimbursement of covered procedures.